Monday, December 12, 2011

1st Birthday Party!!

Whew!!  This weekend was Max's first birthday party and I am pooped but completely overwhelmed by the love that was shown to our baby boy this weekend!  We had the party at church and sent out invitations via Facebook (because I'm cheap and didn't want to buy invitations).  I just went through clicking the names of our closest friends and relatives and came to a total of 93 people!  I couldn't believe that we had 93 people we wanted to share this wonderful occassion with (so glad I didn't actually buy invitations!)  Of course, I knew that ALL of those 93 people couldn't be there, but I still wanted to include them.  Just another reminder of how blessed and thankful I am to have such great friends and families!

I had received RSVP's from about 15 people so I figured by the time those 15 people bring their spouses and their kids, we would have around 30-40 people there.  Counting Tyler, Max, and me, we had 58 people there!  We couldn't believe that so many of our friends would take time out of their busy December schedules to celebrate a birthday for a 1 year old!  Max was blessed with so many toys that I'm really glad we bought a new house (another blog on this later!) to store all of them in!!

I don't have any pictures of the party to post here yet, but I will post some soon.  I was so busy during the party that I hardly had a chance to take any!  The ones that we did take were a little blurry so that makes me want a new (good) camera to capture all of these priceless moments (Tyler, if you're reading this, this is your blaringly obvious hint at what I want for Christmas!)

For those of you who made it to the party, I could never tell you how much it meant to us to have you there!  I wish I would have been able to visit with each of you more, but I hope you understand!  Each of you are so special to us and we are so blessed to have you in our life!!
"A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more."

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