I'm glad to announce that we have finally bought a house!! We closed on it this past Friday and will be moving in after Christmas! We have been living with Lynn and Pam and are so grateful to them for their hospitality and generosity over this past year. So this blog is a tribute to them; without them we would have been throwing our money away on an overpriced apartment!
We moved in with them a couple of weeks before Max was born. When we came home from the hospital, Pam had transformed our bedroom into a nursery/living room/bedroom and I will be forever grateful to her for that. I can remember leaving the hospital and thinking: "I didn't set anything up for Max!" But when we got home, Pam had washed and folded clothes and put them up for me and had everything I needed at my fingertips. Throughout our year with them, she has washed a countless number of bottles and sippy cups to help me out. And of course, she helps watch Max when I need a break too. I thank God everyday that I have such a great mother in law. I couldn't have hand picked a better one!
Lynn completely spoiled me while we were there. The whole time I was home with Max before I went back to work, I never had to lift a finger. He cooked for me, and tended to my every need. Looking back, I don't know how I would have made it without him. It makes me teary-eyed to think of how he took such good care of me. He has continued to cook for us - I'm going to have to learn how to cook all over again when we move out! Just as Pam is a great mother in law, Lynn is an equally great father in law. He is so loving and kind, and goes out of his way to accommodate us .
Moving out is going to be bittersweet. We're excited to have a place of our own. But a little sad to be leaving Pam and Lynn and all the joy and comfort (and good food) they bring us. Even though this was not
our home in a legal sense, it is, and always will be "home" to us. I hope that one day Max understands how special this last year has been. We will certainly look forward to the many trips to Mamaw and Papaw's house in the future. While we can't wait to make memories in our own house, we will always treasure the memories at our first home together.
Thank you, Lynn and Pam, for sharing your home with us. The love you have shown us over the last year is overwhelming. We could never thank you enough for all you have done!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011
1st Birthday Party!!
Whew!! This weekend was Max's first birthday party and I am pooped but completely overwhelmed by the love that was shown to our baby boy this weekend! We had the party at church and sent out invitations via Facebook (because I'm cheap and didn't want to buy invitations). I just went through clicking the names of our closest friends and relatives and came to a total of 93 people! I couldn't believe that we had 93 people we wanted to share this wonderful occassion with (so glad I didn't actually buy invitations!) Of course, I knew that ALL of those 93 people couldn't be there, but I still wanted to include them. Just another reminder of how blessed and thankful I am to have such great friends and families!
I had received RSVP's from about 15 people so I figured by the time those 15 people bring their spouses and their kids, we would have around 30-40 people there. Counting Tyler, Max, and me, we had 58 people there! We couldn't believe that so many of our friends would take time out of their busy December schedules to celebrate a birthday for a 1 year old! Max was blessed with so many toys that I'm really glad we bought a new house (another blog on this later!) to store all of them in!!
I don't have any pictures of the party to post here yet, but I will post some soon. I was so busy during the party that I hardly had a chance to take any! The ones that we did take were a little blurry so that makes me want a new (good) camera to capture all of these priceless moments (Tyler, if you're reading this, this is your blaringly obvious hint at what I want for Christmas!)
For those of you who made it to the party, I could never tell you how much it meant to us to have you there! I wish I would have been able to visit with each of you more, but I hope you understand! Each of you are so special to us and we are so blessed to have you in our life!!
I had received RSVP's from about 15 people so I figured by the time those 15 people bring their spouses and their kids, we would have around 30-40 people there. Counting Tyler, Max, and me, we had 58 people there! We couldn't believe that so many of our friends would take time out of their busy December schedules to celebrate a birthday for a 1 year old! Max was blessed with so many toys that I'm really glad we bought a new house (another blog on this later!) to store all of them in!!
I don't have any pictures of the party to post here yet, but I will post some soon. I was so busy during the party that I hardly had a chance to take any! The ones that we did take were a little blurry so that makes me want a new (good) camera to capture all of these priceless moments (Tyler, if you're reading this, this is your blaringly obvious hint at what I want for Christmas!)
For those of you who made it to the party, I could never tell you how much it meant to us to have you there! I wish I would have been able to visit with each of you more, but I hope you understand! Each of you are so special to us and we are so blessed to have you in our life!!
"A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more."
Thursday, December 8, 2011
First of all, I want to say 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!' to our sweet Max. It's so crazy to think that I have a ONE YEAR OLD! I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday...
I can remember telling my mom that I felt "different" the day before Max actually entered the world, but couldn't exactly pin point what it was. Then the contractions started. When I told Tyler I thought I was having contractions, he denied it and said it was the footlong hot dog I'd had from Dairy Dart earlier that day. I went upstairs and was surprisingly calm, even though I knew my life was about to change in a BIG way! Of course the contractions never let up and after staying up all night, Tyler finally accepted that we may need to go to the hospital. I didn't even have a bag packed. Even though I was almost two weeks past my due date, I didn't have a bag packed. That's just how I roll.
When we got to the hospital, they checked to see if I was dilated. I just knew that I had to be at least 5 or 6 cm. Wrong. 1 cm. 1 CM?!?! After the horrible, painful contractions I had been experiencing for about 13 hours now, I was only 1 cm?!!! I was so discouraged. At this point, the contractions were awful. I hadn't slept at all and everytime one would come I had to throw up. It was not fun. About 2 or 3 hours later, the nurse came in to check again and I was at 5 cm. At that point, she said the most magical words: "Let's get you an epidural. I never saw that HUGE needle they shoved in my spine, but after the pain of the needle, I never felt another thing until that night! I'll spare the gross details but we finally met our little man at 3:49 pm on December 8, 2010.
He was absolutely perfect and it was love at first sight. They put him in my arms and I swear it was like he was looking into my soul. We couldn't take our eyes off of each other. I was taking in each and every wrinkle, hair, and birth mark on his body. I was his mother and he was my perfect baby boy. It still makes me cry to think about that day and all the emotion I was feeling. Tyler and I didn't have a clue what we were doing (and still don't) but there is one thing we know: we still love our Max just as much as we did the moment we met him. We thank God for him every day. We thank God for the plans He has for Max and the blessings He will pour out on him throughout his life.
Happy Birthday Max! We're so glad God chose us to be your parents!!!
I can remember telling my mom that I felt "different" the day before Max actually entered the world, but couldn't exactly pin point what it was. Then the contractions started. When I told Tyler I thought I was having contractions, he denied it and said it was the footlong hot dog I'd had from Dairy Dart earlier that day. I went upstairs and was surprisingly calm, even though I knew my life was about to change in a BIG way! Of course the contractions never let up and after staying up all night, Tyler finally accepted that we may need to go to the hospital. I didn't even have a bag packed. Even though I was almost two weeks past my due date, I didn't have a bag packed. That's just how I roll.
When we got to the hospital, they checked to see if I was dilated. I just knew that I had to be at least 5 or 6 cm. Wrong. 1 cm. 1 CM?!?! After the horrible, painful contractions I had been experiencing for about 13 hours now, I was only 1 cm?!!! I was so discouraged. At this point, the contractions were awful. I hadn't slept at all and everytime one would come I had to throw up. It was not fun. About 2 or 3 hours later, the nurse came in to check again and I was at 5 cm. At that point, she said the most magical words: "Let's get you an epidural. I never saw that HUGE needle they shoved in my spine, but after the pain of the needle, I never felt another thing until that night! I'll spare the gross details but we finally met our little man at 3:49 pm on December 8, 2010.
He was absolutely perfect and it was love at first sight. They put him in my arms and I swear it was like he was looking into my soul. We couldn't take our eyes off of each other. I was taking in each and every wrinkle, hair, and birth mark on his body. I was his mother and he was my perfect baby boy. It still makes me cry to think about that day and all the emotion I was feeling. Tyler and I didn't have a clue what we were doing (and still don't) but there is one thing we know: we still love our Max just as much as we did the moment we met him. We thank God for him every day. We thank God for the plans He has for Max and the blessings He will pour out on him throughout his life.
Happy Birthday Max! We're so glad God chose us to be your parents!!!
Monday, November 28, 2011
What a great Thanksgiving weekend! I think I ate all there was to eat. I swore I would never eat again after all of the delicious calories I consumed this weekend but that vow usually doesn't last.
This was Max's first Thanksgiving so we had so much to be thankful for this year. He really kicked it up a notch on his walking skills this weekend. He was EVERYWHERE! People keep telling me that once he starts walking I better have my running shoes on to keep up with him. Somehow though, I think it's easier to keep up with him. He's not really into anything (yet) but just wants to walk around and explore. I was worried he might destroy my aunt's Christmas tree but he never even acknowledged it was there (so this means we may be able to have a Christmas tree after all!). It's so funny to watch his little legs take him wherever he wants to go. He's still a little wobbly, but getting more confident by the minute as he is now able to bend down and pick something up without falling. It's crazy to me how he learns so quickly. One day he can't do something and the very next day, he's a professional. Blows my mind.
Back to Thanksgiving. I enjoyed seeing Facebook posts throughout the month of November about what people were thankful for. It's nice to see such gratitude from so many people. I saw some pretty insightful posts and some pretty shallow ones as well, but that's okay. I just wonder how many of these people who posted every day in November will continue to show their gratitude and thankfulness throughout the year. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday and a great time to reflect on those things that we are thankful for, but why should we only do it one month of the year?
The Bible says we should be thankful in everything we do:
I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderfully blessed. And I hope the rest of your year is too :)
This was Max's first Thanksgiving so we had so much to be thankful for this year. He really kicked it up a notch on his walking skills this weekend. He was EVERYWHERE! People keep telling me that once he starts walking I better have my running shoes on to keep up with him. Somehow though, I think it's easier to keep up with him. He's not really into anything (yet) but just wants to walk around and explore. I was worried he might destroy my aunt's Christmas tree but he never even acknowledged it was there (so this means we may be able to have a Christmas tree after all!). It's so funny to watch his little legs take him wherever he wants to go. He's still a little wobbly, but getting more confident by the minute as he is now able to bend down and pick something up without falling. It's crazy to me how he learns so quickly. One day he can't do something and the very next day, he's a professional. Blows my mind.
Back to Thanksgiving. I enjoyed seeing Facebook posts throughout the month of November about what people were thankful for. It's nice to see such gratitude from so many people. I saw some pretty insightful posts and some pretty shallow ones as well, but that's okay. I just wonder how many of these people who posted every day in November will continue to show their gratitude and thankfulness throughout the year. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday and a great time to reflect on those things that we are thankful for, but why should we only do it one month of the year?
The Bible says we should be thankful in everything we do:
It also says we should praise and give thanks at all times:Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus1 Thessalonians 5:18
Through Him, therefore, let us contantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of the lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify his name. Hebrews 13:15I'm not saying everybody should have a Facebook post every day of the year listing something they're thankful for, but it's important that we give credit where credit is due. Jesus died for us so that we wouldn't have to go through a lot of the garbage we often find ourselves in. That's a pretty significant sacrifice. If our only sacrifice is to continually say "thank you God," I think we may have gotten the better end of the deal.
I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderfully blessed. And I hope the rest of your year is too :)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Happy Halloween :)
I'm late on this one too but who cares. Nobody reads this but me anway!
Max just experienced his first Halloween. I will be the first to tell you that I hate Halloween and everything that comes along with it. But...I loved seeing Max in his monkey costume!!! He was such a cutie pie!
And here he is handing out candy at our church's Trunk or Treat. He didn't actually hand it out, but it looks like he is in this picture. I love this boy more and more everyday!!
Happy Veteran's Day!
So I'm a little late on this post, but this is honestly the first chance I've had to post anything since I started this blog. But I think every day should be dedicated to our Veterans so I'm officially declaring this day as Veteran's Day too :)
I recently had the wonderful opportunity to visit Arlington National Cemetery. All I can say is: WOW! I knew there were a lot of soldiers and war heroes buried there, but I had no idea the impact it would have on me. It was such a humbling experience to stand there and look at rows and rows of tombstones marking the graves of over 300,000 soldiers. Especially moving was the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns. It was so formal and carried out with such respect. It broke my heart to think of those soldiers who gave their lives without any individual dedication. And it broke my heart for the families of those soldiers as well, not knowing the fate of their fallen loved ones. It was a lot to take in knowing that all these brave men and women died so I could live in a country where I'm free to worship an awesome God; free to work; free to love; free to live.
So to all of you veterans out there, past, present, and future, I could never write, say, or do anything to show you how grateful and appreciative I am to you. All I can say is this: Thank you for your selflessness. Thank you for your dedication to our great nation. And thank you for our freedom.
I recently had the wonderful opportunity to visit Arlington National Cemetery. All I can say is: WOW! I knew there were a lot of soldiers and war heroes buried there, but I had no idea the impact it would have on me. It was such a humbling experience to stand there and look at rows and rows of tombstones marking the graves of over 300,000 soldiers. Especially moving was the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns. It was so formal and carried out with such respect. It broke my heart to think of those soldiers who gave their lives without any individual dedication. And it broke my heart for the families of those soldiers as well, not knowing the fate of their fallen loved ones. It was a lot to take in knowing that all these brave men and women died so I could live in a country where I'm free to worship an awesome God; free to work; free to love; free to live.
So to all of you veterans out there, past, present, and future, I could never write, say, or do anything to show you how grateful and appreciative I am to you. All I can say is this: Thank you for your selflessness. Thank you for your dedication to our great nation. And thank you for our freedom.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Hi there!! Welcome to my very first blog post ever! You are about to embark on an amazing journey with me and I'm so happy that you're here :)
I've been wanting to blog forever now after reading a few of my Facebook friends' blog. To be honest with you, the only thing that has kept me from it was a good title. You may think I'm crazy, but I have contemplated over the title of this blog for months now! I wanted it to be something fun and clever, but meaningful at the same time. I tried to think of my favorite songs, books, movies, bible verses. And I had it: My Cup Runneth Over
In thinking of a title for this blog, I did some major reflecting on my life and the many blessings God has given me and my family through the years. I have a wonderful husband, amazing parents and in-laws, the best brother and sister anyone could ask for, and life long friends that have been there with me through it all. Last, and certainly not least, I have the sweetest little boy, Max, who brings me more joy than anything in the world.
Besides the people that I have been blessed with, God has provided so many other blessings - so many I can't even count. I am overwhelmed with His love and mercy everyday because I certainly don't deserve it at times. Through this blog you'll learn more about me and my family and will understand why I chose "My Cup Runneth Over" as the title :)
For now, I'll end this post with a picture of my beautiful family taken a few short months ago. Thankfully, my sister in law, Lisa Dotson, is an amazing photographer and she captures so many special moments for us. Again, thank you for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon!!!
I've been wanting to blog forever now after reading a few of my Facebook friends' blog. To be honest with you, the only thing that has kept me from it was a good title. You may think I'm crazy, but I have contemplated over the title of this blog for months now! I wanted it to be something fun and clever, but meaningful at the same time. I tried to think of my favorite songs, books, movies, bible verses. And I had it: My Cup Runneth Over
In thinking of a title for this blog, I did some major reflecting on my life and the many blessings God has given me and my family through the years. I have a wonderful husband, amazing parents and in-laws, the best brother and sister anyone could ask for, and life long friends that have been there with me through it all. Last, and certainly not least, I have the sweetest little boy, Max, who brings me more joy than anything in the world.
Besides the people that I have been blessed with, God has provided so many other blessings - so many I can't even count. I am overwhelmed with His love and mercy everyday because I certainly don't deserve it at times. Through this blog you'll learn more about me and my family and will understand why I chose "My Cup Runneth Over" as the title :)
For now, I'll end this post with a picture of my beautiful family taken a few short months ago. Thankfully, my sister in law, Lisa Dotson, is an amazing photographer and she captures so many special moments for us. Again, thank you for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon!!!
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Psalm 23:5
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