I heard this song by Kari Jobe this morning on my way to work and I thought I was going to have to pull over I was crying so hard. It’s a love song from God. To us. It’s beautiful!
My favorite line in the song is “Come rest in me and be made whole.” It’s so crazy how we so often try to “fix” things on our own terms and our own time. But He tells us to bring it to Him. Rest in His peace and comfort and He will fulfill every need we could ever think of. And while He’s fixing it, He will fill that God-sized void so many of us are guilty of having. We aren’t made whole by money, material things, or even our family for that matter. We are not completely whole until we surrender to the Almighty God. It is then that He will bless us spiritually, financially, emotionally, and physically beyond anything we could ever think or imagine.
His love for us is immeasurable. He thinks we’re perfect. He wants to fulfill our every need. He wants to take our worries away. He wants us to be free. He wants us to spend time with Him and let Him love on us like no one else can. I hope this song blesses you as much as it did me :)